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Author & Wisdom Coach
(913) 579-0994
Did you know that you came here as the holder of
the light,
the embodiment of
eternal love?
It is not an accident that you are here in the midst of this Aeon change we are going through.
We are calling it
the shift to the fifth dimension,
and we know that it is a galactic shift and everything in the galaxy is experiencing this vibrational shift and the ensuing changes.
Welcome to this extraordinary time, dearest one.
Your gifts and skills and abilities are needed. We, all of us, need you. Yes, I am speaking directly
to you.
You know and feel the recognition of truth as you read this.
I cannot emphasize this enough; you are not an accident or an afterthought or any kind of mistake.
Your spiritual agreement is to be here now, to bring to Life the
that you have to the world.
When we remember who we are,
our lives change,
everything changes.
Schedule a complimentary 30-minute session where we uncover and release what’s blocking you right now.
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