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About Star

I am a Wisdom Coach and author with 50 years of experience and a toolkit that includes many modalities: Quantum Heart Alignment, Massage Therapy, Reiki, and Flowtrition are some of the modalities I practice. I also have a deep passion for aromatherapy and I practice AromaAlchemy in my healing work.  Most recently I have been offering my intuitive Oracle card readings and Wisdom Coaching sessions in person as well as online.


I am a co-founder of Bloom Temple; an anointing priestess mystery school, a licensed minister and wiccan high priestess. I have experience creating and leading ritual and life passages. I have facilitated classes and gently coached people through important life journeys/transitions. 


I have lived abroad and been blessed to travel a large portion of the world meeting people and stretching my capacity to love.  Everywhere I’ve traveled, whether somewhere on the planet or in to the depths of my inner landscape, I have emerged with a deeper understanding of the immense beauty life holds and a renewed desire to help people see that beauty within and without.

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